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300 Grand Development Breaks Ground in East Lansing - DTN Management in the News

300 Grand Development Breaks Ground in East Lansing

  |     |   DTN, News & Features
10.12.2015 300 GRAND DEVELOPMENT BREAKS GROUND IN EAST LANSING Publication from Lansing State Journal

EAST LANSING — The final phase of the West Village project — a 39-unit apartment building overlooking Valley Court Park with retail space on the ground floor — will be ready for residents by next fall.

"This project will add 6,500 feet of pedestrian-oriented retail and new housing options to our downtown. It's a win for our whole community,” East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett said at a groundbreaking ceremony this morning.

"It demonstrates clearly that when the private sector, MEDC and local government collaborate, we can avoid sprawl and promote smart in-fill development in the city's core."

The 300 Grand building at 300 W. Grand River is projected to cost $9.5 million and has been three years in the making, said Colin Cronin, vice-president of Lansing Township-based DTN Management.


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